Розыгрыш Роскошного вечернего корсета "Шелковый Путь" от JULINA !
Розыгрыш Роскошного вечернего корсета "Шелковый Путь" http://julina.ru/galery.php?id=226 (размер 42, 44 ,46 на выбор победителя)
Розыгрыш Роскошного вечернего корсета "Шелковый Путь" http://julina.ru/galery.php?id=226 (размер 42, 44 ,46 на выбор победителя)
Акция продлится до 29 декабря. Розыгрыш и вручение приза - 30 декабря.
Корсет будет подарен в авторской праздничной упаковке JULINA.
Бесплатная доставка
Для участия необходимо:
1. Публикация в вашем ЖЖ (дневнике, сайте) отдельным постом с фотографией и ссылки на пост JULINA в ЖЖ http://corsets-julina.livejournal.com/8913.html .
(Ваш аккаунт должен быть действующий, не "однодневный")
2. Комментарий к этому посту со ссылкой на вашу публикацию. (Каждой такой ссылке будет присвоен номер для розыгрыша корсета генератором случайных чисел)
С наступающим Рождеством и Новым Годом!
Подробнее http://julina.ru/faq.php#ixzz2EwqBta3Q
For my English speaking followers:
Raffle magnificent evening corset "Silk Road" http://julina.ru/galery.php?id=226 (size s, m, ore l to choose the winner)
The campaign will last until December 29. Raffle and prize - 30 December.
Corset is presented in the author's holiday package JULINA.
Free Shipping
Attendance limited to:
1. Publish your LJ (diary, site) separate post with a photo and a link to the post JULINA Learn http://corsets-julina.livejournal.com/8913.html.
(Your account must be active, not a "one-day")
2. Comment on this post with a link to your publication. (Each such link will be assigned a number for the drawing by a random numbers)
Good luck!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Love Crazed Fool
How comical it seems to me,
I've always been the love crazed fool
Yet for so long,
I have become the subject of it.
Of endless compliments and roses.
I do not care for it.
Sometimes you love, sometimes;
You are the one that's loved
I dare and say, I'd rather Love
And let my heart burst feeling,
Rather than let it suffocate,
And hear love praises of me.
I've always been the love crazed fool
Yet for so long,
I have become the subject of it.
Of endless compliments and roses.
I do not care for it.
Sometimes you love, sometimes;
You are the one that's loved
I dare and say, I'd rather Love
And let my heart burst feeling,
Rather than let it suffocate,
And hear love praises of me.
Monday, February 20, 2012
How to make Elderberry Syrup

So on to the recipe...which I found in Rosemary Gladstar's "Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health".
1 cup fresh or 1/2 cup dried dark blue or black elderberries
(never use red ones as they may be poisonous in high amounts, never eat raw)
3 cups water
1 cup honey (raw organic is best)
Place the berries in a small pot, cover with the water, bring to a boil and then cover with a lid and simmer for 30-45 minutes. Once cooked mash the berries up. Then strain through a fine mesh sieve. Let the juice cool then mix in the cup of honey. Do not cook the juice with the honey as that will kill all the beneficial attributes within the honey. Pour into a clean bottle or container with a seal.
Voila! You have Elberberry syrup. Refrigerate it once made. It should keep up to 3 months but will be gone way long before then.
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